Medal'Tour Challenge

This tour is finished.

Please log in to send a report.

Always fatser, higher, stronger? Let's go for a new IVAOlympic challenge! 

In this year of the Paris Olympic Games, we offer a series of mini aerial challenges across France. VFR, IFR, Y/Z, RNAV, NON-RNAV, in short, a little summer tour with skills, but without being one !

Opening ceremony on July 1st 18z, and then 18 disciplines wainting for you! 

Opening date and time

01/07/2024 18:00 UTC

Closing date and time

31/08/2024 23:59 UTC

Total distance


IVAO France Tracker V1.2

Optional - Download


General rules for tours

  • Those general rules for tours are applicable to all French division pilot's tours. Are excluded ATC tours and Special Operations tours. 
  • Some tours might have specific rules. In case of conflict, specific rules overrule general rules. 
  • All flight must be performed online on IVAO network, with real weather. They have to be accomplished in real time rate (simulation rate x1 only, accelerated mode prohibited) 
  • Legs must be accomplished in the published order 
  • Speed restrictions IAS<250kts below FL100 must be observed.
  • Maximum speed in cruise is M0.85 with a maximum FL450.
  • During cruise phases, a disconnection up to 20 minutes is tolerated, providing the fact that it does not disturb the network operation, especially under ATC coverage. Please report any disconnection in your pilot report. 
  • The use of UNICOM in text or voice mode, in absence of active ATC online, is MANDATORY. Legs might be rejected if not compliant. 
  • All legs must be validated by sending a pilot report. It is essential to read and understand validator's comment for each leg, including if the leg is validated. We advise to not pursue the tour without validation of previous leg. 
  • Pilot report must be sent within 12 days following the flight date. Any leg sent outside the window will be rejected. 
  • Pilot report must include list of ATC contacted during the flight, and procedures performed during the flight. 
  • A 'Direct to' is allowed, only with ATC instruction. Please mention any direct obtained in the pilot report. 
  • It is mandatory to disconnect from the network at the end of each flight. 
  • Pilots will be particularly aware of:
    • In IFR:
      • Parity Odd/Even
      • Minimum and maximum airways altitudes
      • Published procedures when ATC is offline
    • In VFR:
  • Take a really good care of your flight plan:
    • Flight plan with wrong or misspelled airports will be rejected
    • Filled equipment must be compatible with the aircraft
  • Prevailing flight plan will be the active one during take off
  • Operate the flights under military or any other Special Operation type is not allowed. Type of flight must only be G, S or N. 
  • It is requested to be connected on the network at least 2 minutes before take off, and stay connected at least 2 minutes after landing. This will allow the tracker to save your flight entirely. 
  • An IFR route, IFPS compliant at the time it is published, might be proposed on some legs. It is only a suggestion, you can perfectly fly your own route. 
  • One flight can only be reported once, for one leg on one tour, even if the leg can fit for 2 tours or more.
  • Flight as a crew of two pilots, with shared cockpit functionality, is permitted on division's tours. However, only the pilot "master" of the connection is allowed to fill a pirep. The second pilot, connected as an observer, will not be allowed to fill a report based on this flight. 
  • Should there is any follow-up or contestation after a leg validation, everything has to be sent only at Supported languages are English or French. They have to be sent no later than 7 days after leg validation
  • The use of the IVAO France Tracker is optional on all tours, except Skills.

Specific rules of Medal'Tour Challenge:

  • List of all challenges is available here in English
  • Available airports considered included in French Division are specified in the appendix of the previos document
  • Reference distance for legs concerned are considered as Great Circle Distance, with no route nor procedure. Reference site will be SkyVector for validators
  • One flight can only be reported once, for one leg on one tour. It will not be reported more than once. 
  • Pilot succcessfully achieving all flights will be rewarded : 

List of legs

1. ZZZZ - LFPO-- Details
2. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
3. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
4. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
5. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
6. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
7. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
8. ZZZZ - ZZZZ (optional leg)-- Details
9. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
10. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
11. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
12. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
13. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
14. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
15. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
16. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
17. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
18. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
19. ZZZZ - ZZZZ-- Details
20. LFPO - ZZZZ-- Details