The Letters of Agreement (LoA) define all controlled airspaces, delegations and coordination procedures between ATS units, both within a FIR and between adjacent FIR. They have to be applied by all members of the French division, and by any member of a foreign division owing a French GCA.
These LoAs contain the definitions of airspaces, the eventual delegations, as well as the coordination procedures to be applied within a FIR.
LFBB - Bordeaux | v7 : 05/2024 | LOA-FR-LFBB |
LFEE - Reims | v7 : 12/2024 | LOA-FR-LFEE |
LFFF - Paris | v10 : 05/2024 | LOA-FR-LFFF |
LFMM - Marseille | v11 : 05/2022 | LOA-FR-LFMM |
LFRR - Brest | v9.2 : 02/2025 | LOA-FR-LFRR |
These LoAs contain a reminder of the definition of the airspaces, the eventual delegations, as well as coordination procedures to be applied between adjacent FIR.
LFBB - Bordeaux | LFFF - Paris | v6 : 04/2022 | LOA-LFBB-LFFF |
LFBB - Bordeaux | LFMM - Marseille | v6 : 12/2021 | LOA-LFBB-LFMM |
LFBB - Bordeaux | LFRR - Brest | v7 : 05/2024 | LOA-LFBB-LFRR |
LFFF - Paris | LFMM - Marseille | v6 : 12/2021 | LOA-LFFF-LFMM |
LFFF - Paris | LFRR - Brest | v8 : 05/2024 | LOA-LFFF-LFRR |
LFFF - Paris | LFEE - Reims | v5 : 04/2021 | |
LFEE - Reims | LFRR - Brest | v3 : 04/2021 | LOA-LFEE-LFRR |
LFEE- Reims | LFMM - Marseille | v3 : 04/2021 | LOA-LFEE-LFMM |
DAAA - Algiers | LFMM - Marseille | v3 : 04/2021 | |
EBBU - Brussels | LFFF - Paris | v5 : 04/2021 | LOA-EBBU-LFFF |
EBBU - Brussels | LFEE - Reims | v5 : 04/2021 | LOA-EBBU-LFEE |
EDGG - Langen | LFEE - Reims | v3 : 05/2021 | LOA-EDGG-LFEE |
EGGX/EISN - Shanwick/Shannon | LFRR - Brest | v3 : 03/2023 | |
EGTT - London | LFEE - Reims | v3 : 03/2023 | LOA-EGTT-LFEE |
EGTT - London | LFFF - Paris | v6 : 03/2023 | LOA-EGTT-LFFF |
EGTT - London | LFRR - Brest | v7 : 08/2023 | LOA-EGTT-LFRR |
LECB - Barcelona | LFBB - Bordeaux | v6 : 02/2025 | LOA-LECB-LFBB |
LECB - Barcelona/Palma | LFMM - Marseille | v6 : 04/2022 | LOA-LECB-LFMM |
LECM - Madrid | LFBB - Bordeaux | v6 : 02/2025 | LOA-LECM-LFBB |
LECM - Madrid | LFRR - Brest | v7 : 04/2022 | LOA-LECM-LFRR |
LSAG - Geneva | LFEE - Reims | v7 : 12/2021 | LOA-LFEE-LSAG |
LSAZ - Zurich | LFEE - Reims | v5 : 04/2021 | LOA-LFEE-LSAZ |
LSAG - Geneva | LFFF - Paris | v5 : 12/2021 | LOA-LFFF-LSAG |
LSAG - Geneva | LFMM - Marseille | v4 : 12/2021 | LOA-LFMM-LSAG |
LIMM - Milano | LFMM - Marseille | v3 : 04/2021 | LOA-LFMM-LIMM |
LIRR - Roma | LFMM - Marseille | v6 : 06/2024 |