Web Development department

Welcome to the Web Development department. Here you will discover who we are and what are our tasks within the France division.

The Web Development department is responsible of the web site, the Discord server and the ticket system of the France division, together with all associated hardware resources (servers).

In particular, we are in charge of:

  • ensuring the maintenance and the safety of all computer tools of the division
  • developing computer tools needed to the good functioning of the division
  • helping the staff members in using and updating the division web site
  • helping the members in using of computer tools of the division
  • managing the storage resources of the division
  • developing event-related web sites for the division staff

Given our responsibilities, we work in close collaboration with all the departments of the division.

It is worth noting that our department has no responsibility on the development, the management and the update of the IVAO software (Aurora, Altitude, etc.). The responsibility of the software is fully ensured by the IVAO HQ Devops department.

To contact us, one unique address: webmaster@ivao.fr

Department staff

FR-WM – France Webmaster
Robin Novakovicfr-wm@ivao.aero
FR-AWM – France Assistant Webmaster
Antoine Barisonfr-awm@ivao.aero