Terms of service

International Virtual Aviation Organisation (IVAO) - France division

1 - Legal information

The France division is an operational structure of the IVAO network. The IVAO network (called IVAN) is a service provided by IVAO VZW, a non-profit organisation (NPO) registered in Belgium in 2007 and whose statutes are available here.

This website, entirely designed and developed within IVAO's France division, is hosted and published by OVH. The costs inherent to its development, maintenance and operation are provided in the framework of a partnership with the association "Aérosim Passion", a non-profit association registered in France in 2012 and governed by the law of July 1st 1901 and the decree of August 16th 1901.

These general conditions of use are subject to the French law.

2 - Intellectual property

As specified by the Intellectual Property Code of French law, the exclusive owners of all intellectual property rights concerning both the structure and the content of the site www.ivao.fr, belong to their authors and this holds worldwide. The same applies to the authors of the documents available on this site, such as the IvAc sector files, the documentation files and any other accessible file, which belong exclusively to their authors. In addition, these authors may establish a contract of transfer of the rights of their works to an associative structure. It should be noted that, in accordance with the legislation in use in France, "toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale ou partielle faite sans le consentement de l'auteur ou de ses ayant droit ou ayant cause est illicite. Il en est de même pour la traduction, l'adaptation ou la transformation, l'arrangement ou la reproduction par un art ou un procédé quelconque" (any representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, made without the consent of the author or his/her successors in title or cause is illicit. The very same holds for translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any art or process ).

This site gives the user the right to reproduce all or part of its content for storage in order to display on a single screen and of reproduction, in one copy, for backup or print on paper. This right is granted for a strict personal, private and non-collective use. Any networking, broadcasting or marketing, in any form whatsoever, is strictly prohibited. This right is personal, it is reserved for the exclusive and non-collective use of the user. It is not transmissible in any way. Any other use is subject to prior and express authorisation. Violation of these mandatory provisions exposes the offender and all persons responsible to the criminal and civil penalties provided by the law.

Notwithstanding the rights of reproduction and storage as strictly defined above, and with the exception of the express and prior authorisation of the authors whose names and contacts are centralised by the directors of the IVAO France division, the user is forbidden to reproduce and/or use the trademarks and logos found on the site www.ivao.fr, as well as to modify, copy, translate, reproduce, sell, publish, exploit and distribute in a digital or other format, all or part of the information, texts, photos, images, videos and data on this site. Violation of these mandatory provisions exposes the offender and all persons responsible to the criminal and civil penalties provided by the law.

3 - Limitation of liability

This website contains information made available by external companies or hypertext links to other sites which have not been developed by their authors and partners. These contents are exclusively provided for information purposes. The existence of a link to another site does not constitute a validation of this site or its content.

The information and recommendations available on this website are offered in good faith and in the strict framework of aeronautical simulation. This information is supposed to be correct at the time it is published. However, the authors and their partners are neither representatives nor guarantors of the completeness and accuracy of this information. The user assumes full credit risk. In no event will the authors and their partners be liable for any damages that may result from the credit given to such information, its use or the use of a product to which it refers.

This information should not be considered as recommendations for the use of information, products, procedures, equipment or formulations that would conflict with a patent, copyright or trademark. The authors and the association "Aérosim Passion" and its partners disclaim all liability, express or implied, if the use of this information violates a patent, copyright or trademark.

In no event will the authors and their partners undertake to update or correct the information that will be posted on the Internet or on their web servers. Similarly, they reserve the right to modify or correct the content of their sites at any time without prior notice.

4 - Data protection

In order to ensure the accessibility and security of the services offered by the site, the authors and their partners shall collect personal data of IVAO members who connect to the website using their account. The data collection is either automatic by the IVAO Application Programming Interface (API), orby entering data associated with the member's participation in the activities of the division (trainings, tours, events, etc. ). In particular, are collected:

  • Last name and first name
  • IVAO Membership Number (VID)
  • E-mail address
  • History and site connection settings
  • History of activities carried out within the division (exams, trainings, tours, events, GCA, division changes)
  • Discord ID

As part of the presentation and promotion of the activities of the division, the following data, associated with a member of IVAO:

  • Last name
  • First name
  • IVAO Membership number (VID)
  • Characteristics of the activity carried out by the member (for example, date and place of a training or exam activity, exam success)

may be published on the site. In this case, the visibility of personal data (exclusively surname and first name) on the site is restricted to only IVAO members connected via their account. However, the visibility of the IVAO member number (VID) is not restricted.

In the same context and to ensure the necessary visibility of divisional organizational structures, the visibility of personal data (exclusively name, first name and email address of the ivao.aero domain) of staff members of the IVAO France division is not restricted. Likewise, the visibility of personal data (exclusively surname and first name) of the animators of the France division of IVAO is not subject to restriction. On the other hand, the visibility on the site of the personal email address of the animators is restricted to only IVAO members connected via their account.

The owners and managers of this website agree that the collection and processing of personal data, made from the site www.ivao.fr, comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the "Informatique et Libertés" French law.

The personal data collected as part of the services offered by IVAO France are hosted and processed in France according to secure protocols.

The personal data will be kept for a period adapted to the purpose of each of these treatments. Exceptionally, this data may be kept for longer periods to manage claims and litigation if necessary and to meet legal and/or regulatory obligations.

No personal information about users of the site may be given or sold to third parties or used for purposes not related to this website.

The user has the possibility to subscribe to the sending of automatic e-mails as part of activities proposed by IVAO France (participation in tours de France, participation in training flights or control). This choice is deliberate and is initially disabled.

As a website belonging to a non-profit organisation, the present site is the object of the exemption of declaration n°8 to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) in application of the law n°78-17 of January 6th 1978 related to the data protection.

However, each user has the right to object (Article 38 of the law), access (Articles 39, 41 and 42 of the law) and rectify (Article 40 of the law) these data. Thus, he/her may require that information about him/her which is inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, outdated, or whose collection or use, communication or preservation is prohibited are rectified, completed, clarified, updated or erased.

5- Right of Access

Each user can request access to data stored by IVAO.

Submit your access request here: https://www.ivao.aero/ContactGDPR.asp

6 - Right of rectification

Each user can exercise his right of rectification and update by writing to support@ivao.fr or to the directors of the IVAO France Division (FR-DIR and FR-ADIR) or IVAO Membership department.

7 - Right to be forgotten

Any request for deletion of account entails on the part of the France division, operational structure of IVAO, all the appropriate actions as stated by the GDPR.
Submit your deletion request here: https://www.ivao.aero/ContactGDPR.asp