Getting started on IVAO

Welcome to the IVAO network. The goal of this page is to guide your thought your first experience as a pilot, as a controller, or both. Aeronautics, even at a simulated level, can be extremely complex for beginners. Read carefully these indications before starting, be patient and perseverant, and if you need help don't hesitate to contact our staff team.

Who we are

IVAO (International Virtual Aviation Organisation) is an international network founded in 1998 to provide an online platform for flight simulation enthusiasts to enjoy their hobby in a simulated real-world environment flying or providing Air Traffic Control services as real as it gets.

Our community already has tenth of thousands of active members from around the world. The France division counts almost 3000 active members.

Together with the simulated real-world environment, the IVAO network provides comprehensive training allowing our members to develop their skills as air traffic controller and pilot, organises several events and proposes a large variety of services, all available free of charges.

Rules and Regulations

Before registering and start using the IVAO network, you must read and accept the rules and regulations.

Do not overlook this step! It is quite usual that new members get sanctioned because of a bad knowledge of our rules.

In case you have any questions, please contact our staff at the address

Registration procedure

If you are more than 13 years old and you accept the rules and regulations above, you can either register as pilot, or as ATC (Air Traffic Controller), or both to take benefit of all our services.

Please note that it is mandatory to register using your real identity (first and last name, date of birth). Identity checks can be performed at any moment by our staff and the non-conformal accounts will be suspended.

After completing the registration procedure, you will receive a mail containing your credentials to connect to the network (IVAN password to connect to IvAp, IvAc and TeamSpeak 2 being replaced by Altitude and Aurora and to our web site (web password to connect to the web site and to the forum).

It is fundamental to use a valid e-mail address when registering in order to receive your credentials and allow our staff to contact you if needed.
Never communicate your passwords to anybody, IVAO Staff members will never ask you for this information.

First steps

As a beginner, you surely want to take benefit of our services. These two links will help you through your first sessions:

Let us give you only one advice: take the time to observe, read the documentation and ask to the more experienced members. This will make your first steps more pleasant.


The services proposed within the IVAO network are accessible via several software:

  • Altitude: this software ensures the connection between the network and your flight simulator.
  • Aurora: based on a radar screen, this software is used to provide air traffic control services on the network.

You will find below a page containing all the links to download our software, together with the installation manuals:

IVAO software


Aviation is a technical and demanding universe and the IVAO network can be as complex as real life. Therefore, getting started can be painful sometimes but you should not give up. Several tools are provided to you whenever you need help and advice to improve your skills:

  • The IVAO France forum: you are automatically registered once you become member of IVAO. The forum is the favourite communication tool between the IVAO members. You will find there a very large number of subjects that will answer most of your questions, provided some time spent using the "search" function.
  • The IVAO France web site: you have certainly noticed it, our web site contains tons of useful advices and information, from the documentation library to the FAQ section, the guides for the beginner pilots and ATC.
  • The France division staffs: the staff members are there to help, advice and answer your questions. You will find the description of their tasks in the "welcome" page of the different departments (ATC, Pilots, SO, etc.)
  • The IVAO France Discord : you can find our staffs and a lot of other IVAO members on the Discord server hosted by the France division. This is one of the best ways to exchange and find the answers to all your questions
  • The IVAO France Facebook page: our division has a Facebook page that you can consult and to which you can write your questions.

Finally, please note that we provide to all our members a unique mail address that you can use to contact us and request assistance: