You will find here the rules and regulations specific to the French ATC School
Last update: July 23, 2016
The ATC School is an integrated school in the Training Department of IVAO France Division (and aims to provide ATC members with the basics of managing a control tower. This school is run by a group of trainers (Division Trainers), members of the Training Department, and their activity is exclusively voluntary. In particular, one or more referent trainers ensure the coordination and quality of the educational offer of the training.
Each ATC School student has a credit of 8 modules, delivered by a certified trainer with at least ADC rank. All these modules can be completed partially or totally, in agreement with the trainer of the student, within a maximum of 6 months from the date of attribution of a trainer to the student. This period can not be exceeded in any case. In the case of a training where the 8 modules are not completed after 6 months, the student will be enrolled in training completed. A module may comprise a theoretical part and/or a practical part; in general, a module is considered to be performed when the trainer has devoted a significant amount of time to his student. It is important for the student to have reasonable availability to be able to progress significantly. In most cases, the modules take place in the evening.
ATC School welcomes students with the AS3 maximum rank. All members of the France Division who have a valid and regularly consulted email address are eligible to join the ATC School. To join the ATC School it is necessary that the IVAO status of the member is active (R&R TU.3), except for students who have never controlled on the network. No restrictions are placed on the pilot rank.
Following registration, participation in an information meeting School within three months following the registration is mandatory for any student wishing to join the ATC. In any case, ATC School managers can refuse any registration that does not meet the spirit of the school (lack of motivation, insufficient availability, disciplinary reason, ...). This decision is always motivated, is the subject of a communication to the member concerned, but can not be contested. Without attending an information meeting on time, the student will be removed from the ATC School lists. If the student wishes to follow the training program, he/se will have to re-register.
Any student who does not give feedback to the integration mail twice will be removed from the ATC School. If the student wishes to follow the training program, he/she will have to follow the entire registration process again.
A student who is assiduous, motivated, having a sufficient theoretical and practical level and expresses his will to follow a specific preparation to the ADC exam at the end of his/her initial course, will be able to integrate the Prep'ADC, subject to the approval of its trainer and a referent trainer during the last module carried out in initial training. This request is made by the student to his trainer at the latest 10 days before the end of training. At the end, the student will be brought, without limitation in number of modules, until the passage of his ADC exam.
A student who does not show up twice to his module, without warning, will be enrolled in completed training.
A student absent for a period of at least 3 weeks must inform his trainer as soon as possible. Any unjustified absence or any student who does not respond to his trainer within 3 weeks will be enrolled in training completed.
The trainer must validate the module (validation, skill grid and comment) within five days after the date of the module or before the realization of the next module if the delay is less than five days.
An ATC School student who applies for an ATC training or practical exam will either be refused or enrolled in training completed.
When the student has completed his training course, the validation of the last module must be carried out within 72 hours after the date of the module and the general training comment must be completed at most 48 hours after the end of module. A referent trainer must certify the end training no later than 24 hours after receiving the trainer's notification.
There is no derogation to directly integrate the Prep'ADC without going through the initial training course.
A student who has completed his training can no longer claim a new ATC School training course.
FIR chiefs are in charge of managing the training platforms and defining the maximum number of students per platform. In the case of unavailability of places on the platform desired by the student, alternative platforms are proposed.
It is expected of each ATC School partii (students and trainers) exemplary and respectful behavior on the network towards all members.
ATC School managers reserve the right to exclude a student at any time from his/her training in the case of non-compliance with these regulations or IVAO R&R.