Discover the French airports and improve your ATC skills !
Opening date and time
31/01/2017 00:00 UTC
Closing date and time
04/02/2018 23:59 UTC
Nombre min. d'étapes à effectuer
The ATC Tour is composed of 10 control shifts (legs).
A member can do one control shift for the Tour any day in the week with a limitation of one shift per calendar week. The shift must take place between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m.Metropolitan France Time.
Each IVAO member registered in the French Division or in an alien Division with a French GCA can take part in the Tour without any ratings restrictions.
A participating member must choose between 5 “trios” from the list available here. Each “trio” is composed with a Control Centre (CTR), a major airport (APP or TWR) and a minor airfield (TWR). The member must then choose two positions for each “trio”.
The approved positions for the Tour are the following : the Control Center (CTR), the Approach (APP) or the Tower (TWR) for the major airports; the Tower (TWR) for the minor airfields. These positions are situated in Metropolitan France or in the DOM-TOM under the French Division responsibility. Every other positions : Ground (GND), Delivery (DEL) and Departure (DEP) are excluded from the Tour.
Every shift must last at least 2 hours and be booked on the ATC Planning.
Every shift must be voiced controlled using TeamSpeak. The official ICAO languages spoken in France are French and English.